D3 Room Division (DIK)
Study Program Profile
The Diploma 3 Program in Room Division (DIK) is a vocational program aimed at producing graduates to become professional mid-level managers in the field of Room Division. The education duration for the Diploma 3 Program in Room Division Management is 3 years, comprising 6 semesters. Graduates from the Diploma 3 Program in Room Division have career opportunities in various fields, particularly in hotels, villas, and cruise ships.
To create a study program with graduates who are professional, competent, superior, cultured, have an international standard Indonesian personality and an entrepreneurial spirit in the field of Room Division Management (Housekeeping and Front Office).
Organizing vocational education through a learning process that is creative, innovative, collaborative and upholds integrity.
Carrying out research that is beneficial to society and the hospitality industry
Organizing community service activities in the field of Rooms Division Management (Housekeeping and Front Office) in order to improve community competence/welfare.
Establish collaboration with stakeholders at national and international levels.
Producing graduates who are competent, professional and entrepreneurial in the field of Rooms Division Management (Housekeeping and Front Office) with international standards; superior, cultured and have an Indonesian personality.
Produce applied research in the field of Room Division Management (Housekeeping and Front Office) which is published and utilized by the community and industry.
Carrying out community service as the implementation of applied science and technology in the field of Room Division Management (Housekeeping and Front Office) to improve the welfare of the community.
Producing graduates who are able to apply applied science and technology, be independent and build character in the field of entrepreneurship.
Realizing collaboration with stakeholders to improve the implementation of the Study Program Tridharma.
Graduation Profile
Front Office Assistan
Manager Assistant
Executive Housekeeper
Laundry Manager
Beginner Entrepreneur
Graduation Competition
Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their field of expertise independently
Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship
Internalize the values of hospitality, integrity, responsiveness, trustworthiness, professionalism (Global Code of Ethics of Tourism) and personality in carrying out their duties.
Demonstrate performance with measurable quality and quantity;
Solve work problems with the nature and context in accordance with the field of applied expertise, based on logical and innovative thinking, independently both in the implementation and responsibilities of the work.
Supervise and evaluate workers under their responsibility in the context of completing certain assigned work;
Able to apply techniques for providing front office and housekeeping services using appropriate methods, tools, materials and selecting human resources.
Able to use hotel information systems, technology and appropriate equipment in the front office and housekeeping areas
Able to implement butler operations
Able to arrange flowers in traditional and modern styles
Able to communicate effectively with customers
Able to market products in the front office and housekeeping sectors
I Gusti Ayu Putu Wita Indrayani, S.ST.Par., MM., CHE.
I Wayan Sunarsa, S.Pd., M.Par.
Lektor Kepala
Lektor Kepala
I Gusti Ayu Sucita Dewi, Ss., M.Si.
Lektor Kepala
I Gede Darmawijaya, S.Pd., M.Agb.
Lektor Kepala
I Made Sucipta Adnyana, SE., MM
Lektor Kepala
Made Uttari Pitanatri,S.ST.Par
Penyusun Rencana dan Program
I Wayan Seniartha, SE., MM. CHT
Lektor Kepala
Ida Ayu Sri Puspa Adi, S.Pd., M.Par.
Lektor Kepala
Ni Ketut Iswarini, SE., M.Si.
Asisten Ahli
Ni Nyoman Suci Arthini, S.Pd., M.Pd
Ni Ketut Sekarti, S.Pd., M.Par.
Lektor Kepala
Dewa Gede Putra, SE., M.Par.
Lektor Kepala
Anak Agung Istri Ratna Sari Wulan, SE., M.Si.
Lektor Kepala
Putu Gede Eka Darma Putra, SE., M.Si.
Lektor Kepala