D4 Hospitality Accounting Management

Study Program Profile

The Hospitality Accounting Management Diploma 4 Study Program aims to produce professional top leaders in the accounting department. The length of the program is 4 years (8 semesters). Graduates of the Hospitality Accounting Management Study Program have job opportunities in: hotel complexes, travel, sports and recreation.


To become a study program in the field of hospitality accounting with international standards, superior, with an Indonesian personality, and able to play an active role in the development of Indonesian tourism.


  1. Organizing vocational education through a learning process that is oriented to the needs of society, especially the needs of the hospitality industry.

  2. Carrying out research in the field of hospitality accounting in accordance with the development needs of study programs and the hospitality industry.

  3. Organizing community service activities in the field of hospitality accounting to increase community empowerment and collaborate with stakeholders in the tourism sector.


  1. Producing competent, professional and entrepreneurial graduates in the field of hospitality accounting

  2. Produce research and applied work in the field of hospitality accounting that is utilized by the national and international community.

  3. Carry out community service activities as an implementation of science and technology in the field of hospitality accounting to improve the quality of people’s lives.

  4. Establishing cooperation with stakeholders for the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education.


Graduation Profile

    1. Director of Finance/Accounting Manager /Financial Controller

    2. Assistant Accounting Manager

    3. General Cashier, Purchasing Manager, Credit Manager, Cost Controler

    4. Account payable, Income Auditor

    5. Beginner Entrepreneur

    6. Front Office Cashier/Cashier outlet/night Auditor, Purchasing staff, Receiving staff, Store Keeper

Graduation Competition

  1. Graduates have the ability to control hotel financial operational activities from hotel income and expenses to producing financial reports

  2. Graduates have the ability to make Financial Reports (Balance Sheet/R/L).

  3. Graduates have the ability to receive and disburse money, maintain the availability of goods/materials, collect hotel receivables, control costs arising from hotel operations.

  4. Graduates have the ability to record hotel debts and recap hotel income

  5. Graduates have the ability to manage their business.

  6. Graduates have the ability to receive guest payments, purchase goods, receive goods, and store goods in the warehouse.


Ni Putu Nonik Hariasih, SE., M.Si.

Fungsional Umum

I Putu Arnawa, SE., MM

Lektor Kepala

I Ketut Sudarsana, SE., MM

Lektor Kepala

Ni Ketut Mareni, SE., M.Si.


Ni Made Sri Rukmiyati, SE., M.Si


Ida Ayu Agung Ngurah Indrawati, SS., MM

Lektor Kepala

I Dewa Ayu Rai Sumariati, SE., M.Si.

Lektor Kepala

Titien Damayanti, SE., M.Si.

Lektor Kepala

I Gusti Ngurah Agung Wiryanata, SE., M.Si., Ak., Ca


Christina Susanti, SE., Ak

Pengelola Laboratorium

Anak Agung Istri M. Septiviari, SE.,M.Pd.

Lektor Kepala

I Ketut Reja Arjana, SE., M.Si.

Lektor Kepala

Anak Agung Gede Oka Geria, SS., M.Sc.

Lektor Kepala

Ni Luh Riska Yusmarisa, SE., M.Si.

Asisten Ahli

I Wayan Tuwi, SE., MM
