D4 Convention & Event Management (PKA)

Study Program Profile

The Diploma 4 Program in Convention and Event Management (PKA) aims to produce top-tier professionals in the MICE business (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition). The program duration is 4 years (8 semesters). Graduates of the Convention and Event Management Program have career opportunities in hotels and event organizers.


To become a superior study program with international standards in the field of competency-based conventions (MICE) and events and information technology.



  1. Organizing quality vocational higher education in the field of competency-based conventions and events and information technology.

  2. Carrying out quality research that is oriented towards needs and solving problems in society (problem solving) to support education, progress in science, technology and arts (IPTEKS) in the field of conventions and events.

  3. Carrying out community service activities by establishing sustainable collaboration with stakeholders to improve community welfare.



  1. Producing competent, professional and highly competitive graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit in the field of managing convention and event services businesses.

  2. Produce research that is useful in developing education in the Convention and Event Management Study Program, as a reference for industry and community empowerment.

  3. Increasing the implementation and role of the Convention and Event Management Study Program in improving the welfare of society through community service activities.

  4. Realizing the development of the Convention and Event Management Study Program through collaboration with stakeholders at national and international levels.


Graduation Profile

  1. Project Manager,

  2. Show Manager,

  3. Production Manager,

  4. MICE and Event Entrepreneur


Graduation Competition

  1. Main competencies of graduates:

  2. Planning and compiling convention and event proposals.

  3. Negotiating with related parties

  4. Prepare bidding documents (bidding) for conventions and events

  5. Executing and controlling a convention and event business

  6. Manage event venues

  7. Coordinate registration activities for delegates at the event location

  8. Utilizing technology and communication in a convention and event business

  9. Develop convention and event marketing programs

  10. Prepare a budget (budgeting) for a convention and event business

  11. Analyze convention and event financial reports

  12. Entrepreneurship in the field of conventions and events]

  13. Graduate Supporting Competencies:

  14. Develop a noble personality and a spirit of nationalism

  15. Apply professional values, attitudes and ethics in the convention and event business

  16. Develop convention and event marketing programs

  17. Analyze convention and event financial reports

  18. Building team cooperation (team work)

  19. Develop innovations in the field of conventions and events

  20. Another competency/choice of PS PKA is to communicate in other foreign languages, namely French, Japanese and German.


Ida Ayu Sutarini, S.Sn., M.Ds.


I Gusti Ayu Ratih Asmarani, S.S., M.Si.


Dr. Amirosa Ria Satiadji, SE., MM


I Ketut Jaman, Ss., M.Si.


Drs. I Wayan Muliana, M.Ed.


I Gusti Ayu Niken Launingtia, S.S., M.Hum.


Dra. Nyoman Reni Ariasri, M.Si

Lektor Kepala

Drs Ketut Arjaya, Dipl.TM.,M.M.


Drs. I Putu Tonsen

Kepala Sub Bagian Pendidikan dan Kerjasama

Diah Cynthia Putri, S.S. M.Pd.


I Nengah Wirata, SE., M.Par

Lektor Kepala

Luh Putu Citrawati, SE., M.Si.

Lektor Kepala

Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes.
