Mar 22, 2024 | Dies Natalis

Nusa Dua – Bali Tourism Polytechnic has entered its 46th year in 2024. Welcoming the peak of the Dies Natalis, a series of activities have been prepared starting with the opening of the 46th Anniversary. The opening ceremony for the 46th Anniversary of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic was held in a hybrid manner at the Joop Ave Hall, Poltekpar Bali on Friday, March 22, 2024. The opening of the 46th Anniversary was attended by all lecturers, staff and students of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic.

The 46th Anniversary has the theme ‘Through the 46th Anniversary of the Bali Tourism Polytechnic, we increase the spirit of collaboration in diversity for the sustainability of superior tourism and Indonesian personality’ with the tagline ‘Stepping together, Celebrating joy’. The spirit of the 46th Anniversary is expressed in the mascot ‘Si Pico’, namely the figure of a peacock which symbolizes the majesty and wisdom of science, where it is hoped that the 46th Anniversary can reflect the wisdom of a mature age. The spirit of collaboration is demonstrated by a series of activities involving the entire Bali Poltekpar academic community, including pre-anniversary activities, namely blood donation and ‘Jumat Ceria’ or ‘Happy Friday’, as well as internal competition activities including academic competitions, arts and culture and sports, up to the peak of the 46th Anniversary which was held on Thursday, March 28, 2024.

The opening of the 46th Anniversary was inaugurated directly by the Director of Bali Poltekpar, Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes. In his speech, Putu Puja said that in the last year the Bali Tourism and Tourism Ministry has become closer to achieving its dream vision. “This is proven by the success of students in achieving national and international achievements,” said Puja. He added that Bali Poltekpar lecturers this year will also continue to increase their capacity by participating in capacity building in Switzerland and Nepal. It doesn’t stop there, the achievement of doctoral degrees by Bali Poltekpar lecturers is increasing and the achievement of increasing SINTA scores shows the productivity of lecturers in scientific work which can be utilized by the academic community and the wider community. At the end of his speech, the Director of Poltekpar Bali invited the entire academic community to continue to be and strengthen togetherness on the 46th Anniversary.

Before the opening ceremony of the 46th Anniversary was inaugurated, an agenda that was no less interesting was the declaration of 8 Bali Poltekpar study programs. The declaration was followed by 8 D3 and D4 Study Programs who expressed their readiness to participate in enlivening the 46th Anniversary series. Carrying the flags of each study program, representatives of the Study Program Student Association (Himaprodi) proudly stepped onto the stage. The boisterous enthusiasm of each study program supporter enveloped the Bali Poltekpar Joop Ave Hall. After the last study program made its declaration, the event continued with the handing over of the Rotating Trophy from the Hospitality Management Study Program (KPS) Coordinator (PPH) as the General Champion on the 45th Anniversary to the Director of the Bali Poltekpar. Officially, the opening of the Dies Natalis was opened with a procession of handing over the Rotating Cup to the Director of the Bali Poltekpar. With the opening of the 46th Anniversary, a series of festive activities also began, namely internal competitions (in the fields of academics, sports, arts and culture), workshops, the Final Jegeg Bagus Poltekpar Bali, and Wonderful Night.