Bali Tourism Polytechnic successfully held the Kick Off Meeting and Launch of the SINERGI P3M System, a strategic initiative aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of managing research and community service programs. The event was attended by the Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, structural officials and lecturers, which took place at the Genitri Building of Bali Tourism Polytechnic.
In his remarks, Director of Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja, M.Kes., emphasized the importance of the SINERGI P3M system in supporting the campus’ vision as a center of excellence in research and community service in the fields of tourism and hospitality. He said that this system would help improve coordination between units and ensure the implementation of programs that are more focused and have a broad impact.
The Head of the Center for Research and Community Service (Ka. P3M), Dr. Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri, SST.Par., M.Par., also provided socialization regarding the 2024 P3M Work Program, which includes various new initiatives and collaborations with industry and government. This socialization aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding for all stakeholders in the Bali Tourism Polytechnic environment.
The peak of the event was marked by the official launch of the SINERGI P3M System, which was presented by the main speaker, Mr. Putu Aditya Dharmawan, S.ST., M.MT., CCNA, with his team. This system is designed to facilitate research data management, simplify reporting, and increase transparency in the entire P3M process on campus.
On this occasion, Mr. Putu Aditya Dharmawan said that the SINERGI P3M system has superior features such as real-time data integration, monitoring program achievements, and easy access for all lecturers and researchers at the Bali Tourism Polytechnic.
The event ended with an interactive question and answer session that allowed participants to discuss directly with the system development team, as well as a lunch session as a networking event for all participants present.
With the launch of this system, it is hoped that the Bali Tourism Polytechnic can excel even more in the fields of research and community service, and be able to make significant contributions to the development of science and practice in the tourism and hospitality sectors. (KAR/P3M)