

Research activities at the Politeknik Pariwisata Bali are grouped into three types, namely:

  1. Institutional research
  2. Group research
  3. Individual research (individuals)

Institutional research has the scope of applied education, tourism and hospitality, both monodisciplinary and multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary, while the scope of group and individual research can cover the fields of applied education, tourism and hospitality, both monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary.

Each lecturer has the right to submit a research proposal (proposal) individually or in a group. Group research can be proposed and carried out by a team consisting of researchers in study programs, between study programs, and lecturers with the same expertise and interests. Group research can also be carried out collaborate with lecturers and/or other institutions/universities, according to the fields and expertise required by the Politeknik Pariwisata Bali. The institutional research was carried out after receiving direction from the Head of the Politeknik Pariwisata Bali, which was then put together by the Head of Puslitabmas and a team to carry it out.

In the same period a researcher may only be involved in 1 (one) research title as chairman and 1 (one) research title as a member or be involved in 2 (two) research titles as a member,

Individual research is proposed to be carried out by a lecturer with civil servant status, which in 2018 proposed that permanent non-civil servant lecturers also have the opportunity to carry out research, provided that they are supervised by a lecturer with civil servant status with the lowest position of Lector.

Individual research, group research and institutional research are funded from the Politeknik Pariwisata Bali DIPA budget in accordance with the scope or weight of the research and the institution’s budget capabilities. This research can also be funded by other related ministries, industry and the community.

Every research proposal submitted by researchers to Puslitabmas will have its feasibility assessed by a team of reviewers, and its budget will be checked, so that researchers are required to submit a real budget estimate needed to carry out their research.

The mechanism for submitting research proposals to the publication of research results is described in the flow chart in the next section.



The Politeknik Pariwisata Bali has three journals, all of which have been compiled in digital form . Each journal also has an E-ISSN from the SK published by LIPI.

Bali Poltekpar Journal Database (OjS link)