Study Program
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Bali Tourism Polytechnic Successfully Holds its 47th Anniversary Celebration with Culture as the Main Theme
Nusa Dua, March 25, 2025 – Bali Tourism Polytechnic (Poltekpar Bali) successfully held the peak event of its 47th...
Minister of Tourism Officially Opens Seleksi Bersama Masuk (SBM) for the Polytechnic of Tourism Simultaneously
Nusa Dua, March 12, 2025 - The Joint Admission Selection or Seleksi Bersama Masuk (SBM) for the Polytechnic of Tourism...
Student Mobility: Developing Collaboration and Innovation in Sustainable Tourism
Bali, March 2025 – Bali Tourism Polytechnic, Tourism Travel Business Study Program (UPW), is proud to announce its...
Director’s Speech
at the Politeknik Pariwisata Bali.
I am proud to briefly introduce the Bali Tourism Polytechnic (PPB) to readers. Founded in 1978 in the Nusa Dua area of Bali, the Bali Tourism Polytechnic is mandated to develop cultural tourism which is very appropriate to its existence on the island of Bali as a barometer of Indonesian cultural tourism. The Bali Tourism Polytechnic (PPB) which is also called the Bali Tourism Polytechnic is a vocational college under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy which changed its status from the Nusa Dua Bali Tourism College on October 21 2019. Currently the Bali Tourism Polytechnic has 2 departments with 10 study programs and 1 study program in Bali Tourism Polytechnic has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti) and Tourism Education Quality (Ted-Qual) from the Thermes Foundation, United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
To become a university in the field of international tourism, superior and with an Indonesian personality, Poltekpar Bali has provided education using an international standard curriculum. Bali Poltekpar also plays an active role in regional and national tourism development through research and community service activities at the local, national and international levels. Apart from that, Bali Poltekpar also carries out professional bureaucratic governance through increasing capacity, work ethic and appreciation for academics and education staff.

Drs. Ida Bagus Putu Puja,M.Kes
Director of Politeknik Pariwisata Bali
Study Program
PPB has 11 Study Programs which include Undergraduate, Diploma 3 and Diploma 4 Programs as well as Postgraduate Programs.
D3 Seni Kuliner (SKU)
Program Studi Diploma 3 Seni Kuliner (SKU) memiliki tujuan menghasilkan manajer tingkat menengah yang profesional pada bidang manajemen pengolahan makanan. Lama program 3 tahun (6 semester).
D3 Tata Hidang (TAH)
Program Studi Strata 1 Bisnis Hospitaliti (BHP) bertujuan menghasilkan pimpinan puncak, pengusaha, akademisi dan peneliti yang profesional pada bisnis hospitaliti.
D3 Divisi Kamar (DIK)
Program Studi Diploma 3 Divisi Kamar (DIK) merupakan salah satu program studi vokasional yang memiliki tujuan menghasilkan lulusan untuk menjadi manajer tingkat menengah yang profesional di bidang Divisi Kamar.
D4 Pengelolaan Konvensi & Acara (PKA)
Program Studi Diploma 4 Pengelolaan Konvensi dan Acara (PKA) memiliki tujuan menghasilkan manajer puncak yang profesional pada bisnis MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition).
D4 Usaha Perjalanan Wisata (UPW)
Program Studi Diploma 4 Usaha Perjalanan Wisata (UPW) memiliki tujuan menghasilkan pimpinan puncak pada usaha biro perjalanan. Lama program adalah 4 tahun (8 semester).
D4 Manajemen Akuntansi Hospitaliti
Program Studi Diploma 4 Manajemen Akuntansi Hospitaliti bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pimpinan puncak yang profesional pada departemen akuntansi. Lama program adalah 4 tahun (8 semester).
D4 Destinasi Pariwisata (DEP)
Program Studi Diploma 4 Destinasi Pariwisata (DEP) memiliki tujuan menghasilkan pimpinan puncak yang profesional di industri pariwisata dan badan pengelola kepariwisataan. Lama program adalah 4 tahun (8 semester).
D4 Pengelolaan Perhotelan (PPH)
Program Studi Diploma 4 Pengelolaan Perhotelan (PPH) memiliki tujuan menghasilkan pimpinan puncak dan pengusaha hotel yang profesional.
S2 Terapan Pariwisata (MTP)
S2 Magister Terapan Pariwisata.
Global Certificate
Provides various types of Competency Certification as accompanying certificates for diplomas
Alumni Support
Continuous support for alumni career development through the Career Guidance Institute
The facilities to support teaching and learning activities are comfortable, and equipped with free WiFi
Research & Service
Institutional research has a scope of applied education, tourism and hospitality, both monodisciplinary and multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary, while the scope of group and individual research can cover the fields of education, tourism and hospitality of an applied nature, both monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary.
About Politeknik Pariwisata Bali
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